DIY – Moss graffiti – Decoration with moss

DIY – Moss graffiti – Decoration with moss

Do you know “Moss Graffiti”? It is about making designs with natural moss, inspired by street graffiti and that are very decorative. It is a very modern technique that you can do yourself through a simple and very simple process, obtaining spectacular results that will make a corner of your house unique.

Use your imagination to create your design, and once made, you will only need to spray it often with water to keep it alive since it will need a lot of humidity.

Create geometric shapes, words, phrases, drawings and everything you can think of, helping you with templates to obtain good results. You can also delimit spaces on both walls and floors, create a small path in your garden, or enjoy an eco-responsible doormat. Your creativity will be the one that sets the limits.

Ingredients you need:

  • 1 or 2 clumps of moss (about a handful)

  • A beer or a natural yogurt

  • Two cups of water


1. Wash the moss and remove all the soil and roots

2. Mix it in a container and put the beer or yogurt with the water and the moss in pieces through the blender until you obtain a mixture similar to paint.

3. Apply the resulting mixture with a brush, as if it were paint, on the surface where you want your design to grow.

4. Wait a while for it to grow and spray from time to time with water to provide humidity.


  • Obtain moss ecologically, either through nurseries or commercial places, NEVER collect it from public areas.

  • Fall and spring are the best seasons to create your Moss graffiti.

  • If you want to remove Moss graffiti or any part of it, apply lemon juice and it will kill the moss.
